Friday, November 23, 2012

Heidi Songs

Sight Words can be the hardest hurdle for emergent readers.  I've made it my mission to find the most effective materials to foster my students' learning of sight words.  I was pleased when I came across HEIDI SONGS, because of the mixture of music and movement. 

Music synchronizes both hemispheres of the brain.  The hemispheres of the brain work together when emotions are stimulated, attentions are focused, and motivation heightened.  Rhythm acts like a hook for capturing attention and stimulating interest.Once a person is motivated and actively involved, learning is optimized (Davies, 2012).

I began teaching my Kindergarteners the Alphabet songs and the fist DVD of Sight Words two weeks ago.  I am amazed at the progress they have made.  Not only are they remembering the songs and motions, but are quickly recognizing the words in print!  Thank you, HEIDI SONGS!  I recommend your products without reservation.
This was the first sight word we learned on the program.  My students are in love with it.

Julia Cook Books

These books by Julia Cook are, by far, some of my favorite teaching tools for behavior management. She has also developed teacher resource books to go along with each book.  The ones my Kinders really love are:


We have made anchor charts to go along with each book, that I will post soon!  They are great tools to re-visit when necessary. I also found this great anchor chart on PINTEREST which tells the difference between tattling and reporting.

Here are a few more resources to check out for Tattle Tongue.

This mini-unit is available on TPT: click here.

For this poster: click here.

This is an activity that we did that can be found in the teacher's resource material made by the author.  My kids loved this!

This photo provided by:click here

Some of my Favorites

Up for the Challenge!

After reading so many incredible blogs lately, I decided it would be fun to share what I am doing in my own Kindergarten class.  My goal is to foster emergent literacy, as well as, add magic to a child's first experience with school.  Only a small handful of my students have actually had any preschool, so this is it....what will shape and form their concepts of learning. 

 I was blessed to move to Kindergarten from 7th grade eight days into the school year.  With the help of my amazing team of teachers, I embraced the challenge of being the fifth, full-day Kindergarten Teacher. 

I love to collaborate and share ideas!  Please feel free to comment and post ways that we can help each other be successful.  We have recently adopted the Common Core in WA and I am working to align my curriculum to it.  Any suggestions are most welcome.

Here is a link to my website to learn more about my other passions.  Stop by and check it out: